SEND Coffee Morning - Mon 16th

12th October 2023

Mrs Millsom is holding her first SEND Coffee Morning on Monday 16th October between 9am-10.30am, where all parents/carers are invited in for a chat and refreshments in the hall.

The aim is to talk about any concerns parents/carers might have with regards SEND and to share ideas about how to manage/resolve different issues. It’s a two-way street of conversation and we hope that you can all learn from each other and from us as we all want what is best for your children. One of the areas of discussion will be supporting parents in the local community and looking at parenting courses to help you with strategies at home. We will also have lots of post-its if you feel unable to ask your questions out loud. We all know that sometimes, we might get a little scared to ask.

Please let the school office know if you are able to join us so we know approximately how many people are coming and can cater correctly. Looking forward to seeing you.